Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Finding way of Austin

I am not sure if it is the passing of my first official Mother's Day or the fact that summer is fast approaching and that has always been a time of reflection for me or the fact that I finally spent my first night away from Hunter, but a few things have been on my mind lately.

First, I have been struggling to try and find balance within myself in this new role as mother.  Like most things in my life I have a profound need to be the absolute BEST no matter what!  Well, I have found out as a mother you can do the best for your child but to expect to be the best is a totally different beast and it can quickly turn you into another word that begins with a 'B'.  I have also found that being a working mother with a husband who travels 75% or more of the time is a whole other ball game.  After a night away from Hunter, I do realize I have the better end of the deal but trying to balance time with Hunter, keeping up with the laundry and general house keeping tasks, and still putting in my best effort at work is not always easy.....and that's not even putting in time for exercise, a social life, and my marriage! 

I know that it will ultimately just take time to get things figured out and that my old center gravity has now been moved and I need to find a new way to balance. 

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